Etika and ATTAC Luxembourg will be holding a breakfast conference on ethics and responsibility in the world of finance on Wednesday 13 April 2016 at the Centre Culturel Altrimenti in Luxembourg City.

Speaking at the event will be Paul Dembinski, Chair of Strategy and International Competition at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) and Director of the Observatoire de la Finance (Geneva).

Whilst not advocating for "définanciarisation", Paul Dembinski sees a need for a return to "to the reality of things". He understands why many might say that finance and ethics do not blend well, as perhaps evidenced in the past by extravagant salaries, financial scandals and more.

After achieving his doctorate in Political Economics in 1982, Paul Dembinski was the instigating force behind the creation of the Fondation de l’Observatoire de la Finance in 1996, the objective of which is to promote the common good in financial activities.

He continues to undertake the direction and lead as the co-chair of the International Prize “Éthique en Finance – le Prix Robin Cosgrove”, which is launching its 6th edition this year. He is also responsible for the review of the bilingual journal “Finance & Bien Commun”.

After his address, Paul Dembinski will be available to sign his book “Éthique et Responsabilité en Finance”.

The conference will take place at 12:15 at the Salle Rheinsheim, l'Altrimenti asbl, 5 avenue Mari-Thérèse, Luxembourg, and will be followed by sandwiches and drinks offered by etika.

To attend this event register by email via before Sunday 10 April 2016, including in the message the number attending the event and how many intend to join the lunch afterwards.

Photo from etika