The 22nd Postlaf held at the Cloche d'Or in March successfully raised €16,000for Young Caritas.

Not only was the event successful in terms of the number of participants, with 2975 runners taking part, but also in terms of their generosity.

Thanks to these donations, POST presented a check for € 16,000 to Young Caritas at an evening showing gratitude to Postlaf volunteers. Gaston Bohnenberger, Director of POST Technologies, Mike Orazi, President of Amicale POST Luxembourg and Fabien Koser, Chairman of the POSTLAF Organising Committee presented the check to Mr Jemming, Head of Young Caritas, in the presence of Mrs Beissel, as well as the members of the Postlaf organising committee and a large number of volunteers.

The money will be used for disadvantaged children in Luxembourg to benefit from the Young Caritas Holiday settlements.