The Marie Consolatrice school has joined the mission to promote entrepreneurship at the school with government support, after Luxembourg Education Minister Claude Meisch, together with the Secretary of State for Economy, Francine Closener, and the director of the school, Serge Lucas, signed an agreement yesterday, making it the fourth school that will adopt this profile. 

This initiative is part of the current government education project, Mir Schwätzen Zukunft, one of the objectives of which is to give schools more autonomy to respond to their own pedagogical, organisational and technical challenges. 

Schools are supported in this process by the Ministry of Education, Childhood and Youth's Department for National Education, Child and Youth Co-ordination of Pedagogical and Technological Research and Innovation (SCRIPT). Necessary teaching and learning resources. Through co-operation with the Ministry of Economy, participating schools can network with surrounding companies and provide their students with activities that bring the world closer to education in the professional world.

Becoming an entrepreneurial school means, among other things, promoting entrepreneurial and entrepreneurial spirit, revealing the personal talents of young people and their ambitions, challenging them in their creativity and originality, making them aware of and responsible for ecological, Political and economic issues of our time, and give them the positive spirit necessary to engage in the future.

The main objective of the approach is therefore to promote and promote innovative pedagogical approaches close to the professional world.

Image: Luc Weis, Francine Closener, Serge Lucas, and Claude Meisch. Photo supplied