The Sunflower Montessori Crèche in Luxembourg yesterday announced that its new crèche building in Ersange has undergone rigorous checks and has now been deemed ready to open.

Founded in 2001, Sunflower employs the educational techniques developed by Italin physician and educator Maria Montessori which promotes respect for the natural psychological, physical and social development of a child by emphasising independence and freedom within limits.

Montessori also highlights an awareness of 'sensitive periods' in a child's life when they are especially receptive to a particular form of learning, a concept drawn upon by Sunflower through its French learning afternoons.

The new Ersange crèche is fully license and will open its doors n Monday 5 October 2015. Places are still open from the 30 spaces available, and can be registered for by contacting


Photo by Sunflower Montessori Crèche