The second meeting of the Rifkin Strategic Review Committee was held yesterday, on 12 July 2017, during which the Strategic Monitoring Committee reviewed the Rifkin strategy.
Chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and Economy Minister Étienne Schneider, in the presence of Fernand Etgen, Carole Dieschbourg, Pierre Gramegna, Marc Hansen and Nicolas Schmit, the second Strategic Monitoring Committee meeting focused on the work of various platforms in which the measures and proposals of the strategic study are analysed, discussed and, where appropriate, further developed.
Representatives of employers' organisations, trade unions, professional chambers and civil society were also present at the meeting in which, led by the relevant ministries, the various platforms reported on the progress of the work and presented the next steps envisaged.
The eight platforms are: National Council for Sustainable Construction, Energiezukunft Lëtzebuerg, TIR High Level Group Industry, Circular Economy, Mobility, High Committee of the Financial Place, Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture as well as Labour, Employment and Social Issues.
A new intermediate assessment will be made at the next meeting of the Strategic Monitoring Committee, which is scheduled for October 2017. Subsequently, there will be a public debate on the first conclusions to be drawn in the framework of the third industrial revolution. Finally, a consultation debate will take place in the Chamber of Deputies.
The following institutions are members of the strategic monitoring committee, which acts as a supervisory body reporting to the governing council: ACEL, Amiperas, Caritas Luxembourg, CGFP, Chamber of Agriculture, Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Trades, Chamber of Employees, Chamber of Civil Servants and Public Employees, National Research Fund, IMS Luxembourg, LCGB, Ecological Movement, OGBL, UEL and UNEL.
Photo by MECO. L-R: Étienne Schneider, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy; Tom Eischen, Ministry of Economy